How colourful is your work-out gear? Whether you enjoy yoga, high-intensity training, Pilates, aerobics, a walk – wearing the right gear will always help to make exercising great fun and far more enjoyable. It’s important to maintain our fitness and live a healthier more active lifestyle for as long as possible, so feeling great in our workout clothes is surely worth the investment?
Fitness instructor, Nikki Houldsworth Swan, inspires so many women to maintain their fitness and live a more active lifestyle, looking absolutely fabulous in her true colours and totally colour co-ordinated – including her dazzling blue nail colour!
Colourful workout clothes will improve fitness motivation! Clothing we wear carries a symbolic meaning and can directly affect our performance. Looking good is feeling good which certainly improves confidence both in and out of the gym. So, your fitness clothing is sub-consciously changing how you perform. If you know you look good, you'll feel good, and motivated to exercise more frequently - so you'll get better results!
We all aim for a fitter and healthier lifestyle, so what we wear can really affect our exercise routine. It’s a well-known fact that when we look good, we feel good, feel confident and more motivated. Once we’re dressed for the part, we feel more enthusiastic about exercising, and in return we achieve better results. By wearing workout clothing that we really love is the perfect way to lift our mood and is the motivation we need to be mentally prepared. By investing in workout clothing, the purchase holds us accountable to wear it, which means we will exercise more frequently! Regular gym-goers often comment that by wearing suitable workout gear motivates them to push themselves even further and it’s the crucial step in meeting their fitness goals.
Working-out at home can be really challenging as there will always be countless other distractions but the secret to motivation is what we wear. Making the effort to dress for the part will have an impact on how we feel. Consider when we are getting ready for a night out, we choose clothes that make us look and feel amazing. Workout clothes can do the same thing, and by wearing suitable clothing that flatters our body will improve our confidence. This is just the perfect mindset to bring energy to our workouts. Whenever motivation is lacking, simply slip into some colourful workout gear and this signals our brain that it is time to get ready for fitness!
Whether we invest in high-performance gym clothing or casual T-shirt and leggings, what matters most is we choose clothing that we know makes us look and feel good. It can be difficult to feel motivated when feeling uncomfortable, so it’s also important to wear workout clothing which is quick-drying and breathable. When we feel comfortable, we are more inclined to complete our exercise. Workout clothes motivate us to exercise because they perform with us and allow us to focus on the task in hand.
It’s important to maintain our fitness and live a healthier more active lifestyle for as long as possible, so feeling great in our workout clothes is surely worth the investment? This doesn’t mean wearing boring black leggings when we could wear outfits in our favourite colours. Look out for workout gear in a variety of prints and patterns available in colours which really flatter YOU! Wearing the RIGHT colours will certainly make exercising great fun and far more enjoyable!
Find out how to discover YOUR colours HERE